Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Pedestrianising Gandhi Bazaar

There have been recent discussions in Bangalore about pedestrianising the Gandhi Bazaar. There are a few questions that arise : Will pedestrianisation help? Is it a feasible option? Can the vehicular traffic be diverted elsewhere? Will the shopowners who belong to the formal sector find this acceptable? And such issues as : When should the municipal authorities take decisions about a change in urban street vendor policy - including which locations are permissible and which are not; or about which changes in the physical infrastructure can better support the street vendors?

I have tried to look at what needs to be considered before making changes to a bazaar road.

Read the full article published here at Citizen Matters


  1. Nice argument. However, BBMP is much more aggressive than the HUDA. I strongly suggest that you take this up to any NGO which works on these causes and can help build a case study for the same.

  2. A pedestrian only zone def helps in a lot of ways and sets forth a great example for others to follow suit.

  3. Thanks for your comments. I suppose it does need more participation from concerned citizens to make it a reality.

  4. Great article. But whether it would work is debatable. The major problem is that we do not have parallel roads that are developed in most cities. In Secunderabad, when the popular vegetable Monda Market, and the fruit-flower Mozhamjahi Market in Hyderabad were shifted to a different location with permanent structures, there was opposition from both the vendors as well as customers. I think they still function from the original location, since there are not many takers for the new place.
    We Indians, also have this major problem. We like to stop the vehicle right in front of the store. Try getting someone to park the vehicle elsewhere and walk to the place. We might even risk being fined for parking in a no parking zone!!
