Friday, June 22, 2012

The 'Second to None' Flea Market

Some time ago, I went to the ‘Second-to-None’ flea market here in Bangalore. I was thrilled to get second-hand DVD films for half-price and some for less than half-price! All of us who went had come back picking up something that was useful to us and had been useful before to someone else. This was such a good idea, we thought, to have a place where you could bring used goods, and recycle them. I found out that this was an initiative started by Anu Gummaraju and asked her if we could do an interview. I’m sharing it here:

As a person who conceptualised ‘Second to None’, could you tell us about yourself & the initiative?
I have been in the content and communication stream for over 14 years. I was a sub editor and a writer for 2 years, before I joined Infosys as a technical writer. In Infosys, I worked in the Communication Design Group, first as a writer, then as a senior manager, on content development, content design, and content usability.

Though corporate life gives you time for little else, I had always been conscious of wastage and recycling and conserving resources. I would try to practise it in little ways at home. After I quit full time work two and a half years ago, I started thinking and practising this to a greater extent. I was looking for ways to recycle used goods in Bangalore, and there were no options that seemed feasible. Apart from some Gujri markets and the Avenue Road on Sundays, there was no concept of a flea market where one could buy and sell used goods in Bangalore.

So, on June 18th, one year ago, I started an online group on Facebook - ‘Second to None (220)’. It was a platform for people to share ideas on recycling, and buy and sell their used goods. I spoke to Reena Chengappa and Shilpa Kamath, old friends who were also passionate about green living, and they agreed to come on board as co-organizers.

How and when did the Flea market begin? 
At the same time that the online FB group was started, we had the physical flea market in mind, as it would be the real thing, to give Bangaloreans a flea market experience, with used goods, collectibles, in an open, fun atmosphere. We had the first physical market in July 2011. By this time, the online group had about a hundred members and when we spoke about the flea market online, there were so many enthusiastic responses from members who said they would come and sell / buy. So, many of the sellers and visitors were members of the online group. We had some coverage in Bangalore Mirror as well before the flea market and that brought in more sellers and buyers. We had 25 sellers over two days in the first market, which was held at Jaaga on Double Road. This seemed like the perfect space to have a market, and we have had all our markets there.

Who are your customers and what do they enjoy the most about your Flea market?
Our customers are ‘Second to None’ members who are keen on recycling. Since we’ve started, we have had word reach out to more of the public and today, customers are people who are making an effort at conserving resources, reducing waste and also looking for good deals. They find products which are in great working condition, but cost much less than new products.

Do you see any similarities (of this Flea market) to a typical ‘Indian Bazaar’?
The casual atmosphere that our markets have are very much like Indian bazaars, I guess. We have stalls, some people bring carts and other bazaar-like ways of selling their stuff. We have some food as well.

Are there experiences from flea markets in India or elsewhere in the world that you would be able to share?
I have not been to any flea markets in India - where you can actually buy used goods. In the US, it used to be a great way of finding treasures, collectibles, vintage stuff. We used to enjoy shopping at flea markets for those. We would also look for good deals on household things. So now, we are in a small way recreating that kind of an experience, where, in our markets, people are selling collectibles, vintage items, used household goods.

Do you see this as a replicable model in the Indian urban setting?
Yes! Every community / area can probably have a regular flea market. All it takes is some space and interested volunteers to do some minimal organising. We are not used to this culture in India. In fact, buying second hand goods, as they are called, is frowned upon by many. So, it is a matter of changing our mindset. And once you start, you see how many people there are who embrace the idea. We are 3600+ members today and have inspired people in six other cities to start similar groups.

When will your next flea market take place and how can people participate in it?
Our next market is slated for July 1st week or so, we have not yet finalised the date. It will be bigger than the previous ones. We have also had organisations like Goonj, who collect and distribute used clothes, toys, books and household goods to people across India, partnering with us. We will have them and a few more, collecting donations of goods by people, at the next market. If you'd like to come to our flea market or join our group, do check out: Second to None (220)


  1. I love these fee markets!! Sometime we gets really nice and antique goods for sucha a peanut price!!

    Great fotos!

  2. A great idea. I wish they would replicate it in other cities too.
